Long-Haul Covid Support

02 Feb 2022 in

Regarding nutritional and other support for long-haul COVID: There was interest in this info during a Zoom call, so I’m posting it here. This is a developing situation, so the information will change.

For long-haul symptoms, there are recommendations for supplements and such like based on theories as to why it happens (NAD and mast cell theories). They think the body uses nutrients as an alternative source of ATP (for energy) production because of interference in long-haul covid, and people end up needing supplements. One bad outcome is depletion of serotonin that can result in depression or lethargy. Another aspect is overactive mast cells, causing inflammation. So they have advice for calming them down through diet and judicious use of anti-inflammatories like naproxen or allergy pills.

The supplements they listed

  • Nicotinic acid aka Niacin (most important and not nicotinamide or other forms) — 100mg
  • Vitamin C aka Ascorbic Acid — 1500mg
  • Vitamin D — 3000iu
  • Zinc — 15mg
  • Selenium — 50mcg
  • Quercetin — 500mg

Gez Medinger's YouTube Channel

This researcher's videos are science-based and include interviews with physicians and researchers. He has long-haul himself.

RunDMC1 Channel, YouTube by Gez Medinger


Anti-inflammatories, Including Antihistamines

He advocates for some use of antihistamines in particular on the theory that this calms mast cell activity, eventually resulting in a long-term reduction in excess inflammation. Mast cells, he said, live about six months and, if they are overactive, they will cause new generations of such cells to do the same. Hence, the gradual effect of antihistamines in preventing this activation of new generations of mast cells.

Other Medications, Including Ivermectin

He is probably going to increasingly look at other medications as research accumulates. Ivermectin is one medication that is gaining research support. Probably out of concern that politicized medications will result in abuse, much scorn has been heaped on ivermectin, with it being called horse de-wormer by the notable Stephen Colbert. However, though its use for COVID is not approved by the FDA (the U.S. agency regulating medication), it does have human uses. Authorities are especially concerned about people taking formulations of ivermectin intended for large animals because they involve large doses.

Specifics from I-RECOVER

These folks are researchers and clinicians who update their guidelines as they learn from clinical experience and from legitimate research studies. They got together to hammer out a set of recommendations because there was a lack of guidance despite the large numbers of people suffering. It's estimated that perhaps 30% of people that get COVID develop long-term symptoms.

I-RECOVER Management Protocol for Long Haul COVID-19 Syndrome (LHCS)

More Information

A qualified physician can help you make decisions about the above information, including dosing. If you are too head-strong for that, online resources may be able to help you make safe choices, but only if you learn the difference between ideologues, profit-motivated manipulators, and real scientists and physicians. In this section I'm depositing things that may be helpful in understanding the subjects on this page. Good luck!

MCAS and Long Covid, YouTube video, Dr. Tina Peers

NAD+ deficiency and Covid 19, YouTube video, Miller, Wentzel & Richards

NAD+ deficiency, YouTube video, Nikita Alexandrov

Long Haul COVID-19, Southern Pain Society (a good overview)

Resource Recommended by Phoenix Rising

Because of the overlap between ME and CFS (fibromyalgia), the Phoenix Rising support forum listed the following resources pertaining to COVID.

COVID-19 Resources from the major research and advocacy organization Solve ME. They have a wide range of information and resources, some for the public and others for medical professionals. Includes a long-haul COVID symptom tracker, research opportunities, and how to know if your Long COVID might be related to ME/CFS.

The Long Covid Alliance is an international alliance of Long Covid organizations. It includes:
Body Politic, a large support group for people living with Long Covid.
COVID-19 Longhauler Advocacy Project, a more intimate Facebook support group for people living with Long Covid.

If you are living with Long Covid, you can also review our Summary of Existing Long Covid Discussions.

Research and the FDA on Ivermectin in COVID

There is much more coming out, this is just a starting point.

Review of the Emerging Evidence Demonstrating the Efficacy of Ivermectin in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of COVID-19, American Journal of Therapeutics, doi: 10.1097/MJT.0000000000001377

Why You Should Not Use Ivermectin to Treat or Prevent COVID-19, The FDA's cautious page addressing Ivermectin.

Ivermectin, A Reanalysis of the Data, American Journal of Therapeutics

Ivermectin for Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 Infection: A Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, and Trial Sequential Analysis to Inform Clinical Guidelines, American Journal of Therapeutics

The mechanisms of action of ivermectin against SARS-CoV-2—an extensive review, J Antibiot (Tokyo). June 2021:1-13. doi:10.1038/s41429-021-00430-5

Post-Acute or Prolonged Covid-19: Treatment With Ivermectin for Patients With Persistent, or Post-Acute Symptoms, ResearchGate, published 2020.